City Councillor, Peter Holland and County Councillor, Percy Prowse were delighted to attend the Stoke Hill Community Association Open Days last weekend.
Peter explained; ''The SHCA is based at the iconic St. Katherine's Priory and includes Pennsylvania, Stoke Hill and part of Polsloe. The centuries old building is home to a vibrant community and is a permanent 'home' to the Junction 72A Model Railway Club which can be found on the first floor and a variety of clubs including a play group, martial arts and dance groups. The committee have worked tirelessly in recent years to establish what is becoming a superb resource for schools and the community alike. Tens of people enjoyed two days of fun with stalls from the Royal Horticultural Society where Merryn Preece gave advice around gardening in general and in particular populating the new garden within the two acre grounds with plants donated form local nurseries.
Amongst the many attractions was falconer, Anne Jobson. Wearing a falconer’s glove, children were able to 'handle' Theia the Little Owl (Athene noctua) on both the Saturday and Sunday. The little owl was introduced to the UK in the 19th century. It can be seen in the daylight, usually perching on a tree branch, telegraph pole! Also there was a Jazz Ensemble, Martial Arts Display and craft activities going on''.
Both Peter and Percy have been able to pledge Ward Grants to build a raised flower bed and reinstate a robust boundary fence.